Entries by Angela Lano

Should I Continue On as A Writer?

 Should I Continue On as A Writer? It’s very tempting to quit the writing business. If some of your books are not selling very well, whether they are traditionally published or self-published, it could affect your attitude. I saw an episode a couple of nights ago of the well-known television series The Waltons that focused […]

Learning a New Language

Learning a New Language Do you want to learn a new language? Learning a new language can be a lot of fun. You can learn new words, phrases, and sentences. You can challenge yourself each day by setting up little routines in your daily schedule to help you in your language learning process. Use flashcards […]

Discerning a Vocation

Discerning a Vocation Are you still discerning a vocation? That’s okay! It takes time to discern a vocation. You shouldn’t rush into it and then regret it later. Pray about it. Spend some time with the Lord. Go to daily Mass and the Adoration Chapel. Try making a little list of things that you could […]