About Us

Fostering a Rebirth of Catholic Arts and Letters

Our History

The Catholic Writers Guild began in 2007 with about 30 members: writers that came together in an online forum to help each other with writing, marketing, and support. We incorporated as a 501(c)3 in 2008, taking the Guild from a chat group to an international organization dedicated to the rebirth of Catholic writing.

We’ve grown to over 500 members, including laypeople and religious, published and unpublished, nonfiction and fiction. Our only requirements are that members be true to Catholic teachings and that their work reflects that. While most of our members are writers or editors, we have publishers and illustrators as well. We’re mostly USA-based, yet have members in Canada, Mexico, Trinidad, UK, Germany, Spain, Hong Kong, and Australia.

In August 2009, we ran the first Catholic Writers Conference Live in Somerset, NJ as well as the first Catholic Writers Conference Online. That first online conference took place through an online forum and chat room, and it included 47 presentations–more than the number of members just 2 years before! Now, a decade later, our online conference has moved to video conferencing and our live program continues going strong.

Our Leadership


KARINA FABIAN is a founding member of the Guild. By day, she writes how-to articles and product reviews for business magazines. In her off hours, she writes about a dragon detective working for the Church, Star-Trek parody adventures, and nuns who work in space. Her joys in life are to entertain readers and help writers grow.

Vice President

RYAN McCARTY is an attorney who practices in Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska. He is the founder of and principal at Becket More, a business and legal consulting firm purposed to counteract government overreach. He is also the Executive Director of Beatific Vision, a nonprofit film and media apostolate pursuing a “new evangelization” through cinema and dramatic storytelling. He writes fiction, poetry, and screenplays in what spare time he can find. Most notably, however, Ryan is a husband and father of seven. As a home educator along with his wife, Karolyn, he delights in imparting to his children his own love for the written word.


SUZANNA LINTON lives in Florence, SC. In 2006, she converted from Southern Baptist to Catholic. She has written fiction and poetry since she was a child, though she focuses mostly on fiction now. She wrote secular fantasy for a few years before stepping away for a year. When she returned to writing, she did so to write for a Catholic audience. She’s married to a fellow convert.


CESAR CHACON is a father of three and has worked in the banking and finance industries for almost 20 years. He recently finished the first draft for his first Science Fiction series. He is a big believer in the need to bring the Catholic Literature of our authors to a world that needs it.

Committee Coordinator

ALLISON RAMIREZ is the owner of Trinity Tree Publishing, and has written and published three books. She also offers editing services and other content creation for writers.

Our Mission Statement

The Catholic Writers Guild is a group of writers, artists, editors, illustrators, and allied dedicated to building a vibrant Catholic literary and artistic culture. We do this by encouraging each other to create, publish, perform, and share our work; by reflecting upon core Catholic values (i.e., those in accordance with the teaching of the Magisterium) in art; and by networking among ourselves and with others within the faith and literary communities.

We are loyal to the teaching authority of the Church.

Our regular and alumni members are practicing Catholic writers, while institutional members are persons or company supportive of Catholic writing; institutional members need not be Catholic but sympathetic to Catholic practices and morals.